Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Blogger Bill posts at 8:41 PM CST
I’m on a civil case which will last 2 weeks, and today was the plaintiff & defense Opening Statements, and the first expert witness’ video. So far, I’ve spent 2 solid days there, yesterday being the world’s longest day, as they excused person after person. I was too dumb to think up some outrageous story to get myself out of it.

Meanwhile, George flew down to FL to take a course at Nova Univesity which qualifies as a Personal Development unit for teaching, one of Becki’s fellow senior girls’ fathers passed away, and his memorial service was this afternoon, and teachers are made because their award certificates aren’t ready for tonight’s athletic cheerleading banquet! And that’s just for today! Ugh. But I’m going home to be w/Becki right now, because that funeral service brought it all back to her about her Grandpa dying, and this girls’ Dad used to come to all the volleyball games. I suppose Becki was also secretly thinking about if this had been HER Dad, as well. She’s at home and I’m here, so I’ll talk again when I get back to the computer. I haven’t got one working at home right now. Only Becki’s is up and emailing, etc.

Hope your job search is progressing. Why not throw caution to the wind, and go stay with Mom for a while, to get some perspective on what direction might be the best one for you, personally? You have brains, talent, education, a degree, and only bills left! I’m personally lacking in several of those areas! Love you, and don’t want to wait till your funeral service to tell you posthumously, for sure. This man’s Mom, 2 sisters and 1 brother avoided visiting him for the 35 years since Vietnam that he lived in Alaska. Their admissions of regret really hit many people hard.

I think you have always been a faithful friend, a loving and supportive brother, and someone I can be proud of in terms of things Dad always displayed for us, like honesty, loyalty, faithfulness to God, and intelligence. I want the best for you in life, and I thank God you have placed your life in His hands, so that I’m sure of your eternal life. May God and you work together to provide for your family and yourself, as this is what God would want you to do. My only personal advice would be to simplify all of life right now so that there’s not so much to cope with. At any rate, you know I love you and I wish I had a million bucks to share with you! Instead I just say invest in God and He’ll figure out the proper returns! Love, Joanne


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