Thursday, November 24, 2005

Blogger John posts at 10:55 AM CST

Blog Nog

Happy Thanksgiving
Grab a glass of nog and listen to this,
I just went to go for a sail. It is verry windy. I could not get away from the shore as the wind is copmming straight in at 25 mph. I was pushed into the tree. The tree ripped my sail about 10 to 12 inches bow to stern . The shroud wire has a new wire poking out and ripped my thumb. Where is your nog? Not to be undaunted (daunted?) I finnally got the bow pointed towards Hypoluso Rd and wosshh off I go well a nice big wind came and ripped the sail in half and the boom fell down. Well I think maybe I'll go back in now so I came about and let the jib catch the wind. when I was even with our house I turned and let the 3/4 sail catch wind on a run. AS I hit shore I jumped off to pull wounded boat onto shore but the game was not to end just yet! More wind tipped the boat over and caught the mast in the tree next door. Well as I'm scratching my head wonderin ifin I should go get a bandade along comes Jean. So I hook a rope around the sail eating tree and we pull but can only get it half up. Jean goes and brings the truck and we pull it back up. she gave me a bandade and I am going to get the old sail and go sailing just for fun. Opps, look- now the boat is over on the other side. Well I better hurry and get the other sail I'd hate to miss any of the fun. Do you think Jean will come? I could use some ballast.


Blogger Bill said...

Some days it is not a good idea to go sailing. Like when there is too much wind.

10:37 PM  
Blogger John said...


8:32 PM  
Blogger John said...

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4:23 PM  
Blogger John said...

Yes I can because itsa the best way to answer comments that need to be addressed. Like now.
Yes I can, yes I can, Yes I cannnn.

4:27 PM  

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