Friday, June 16, 2006

Blogger Bill posts at 11:07 PM CST

Edit your template

No problem Jennell. Here are the steps to do what you want on that template. I have to replace the HTML tags delimiters (the greater-than / less-than) with curly braces or blogger will not let me publish, but you know what you are looking for.
1.Sign into Blogger
2.Click on [Change Settings] for your blog
3.Select the {Template} tab
4.Scroll about 60% of the way down till you see a line that says:
{p class=”post-footer”}
5.Cut the “posted by” stuff and as much of it as you want to move but leave the
{p class=”post-footer”} and the {/p} at least
6.Scroll back up a few lines to the {/BlogItemTitle} and paste your cut stuff after that but before the {div class=”post-body”} line
7.Click the [Preview] button.
8.Modify things as needed.
9.Click the [Save Template Changes] button when you are sure everything is right.
10.It will tell you that you need to republish, do this and be happy.

For everyone else: this is geek stuff you can ignore it. I will put a link to the Two Weeks in Japan blog over in the links area.


Blogger Carolyn said...

definitely geek stuff...

6:42 PM  
Blogger Jennell said...

Yes, but he did a very good job of writing it as "Geek Stuff for Dummies" because even I was able to follow it and the problem is fixed.

Thanks a bunch!

8:22 AM  
Blogger Jennell said...

My geek abilities are limited (yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it) to what you told me to do to fix the "posted by" thing.

How would I move just the comment thing and leave the posted by thing?

8:20 AM  

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