Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Blogger Bill posts at 8:19 PM CST

Life at the Light Factory

Well, I guess I have to tell you all about my new job. I am the IT Manager for Litetronics International. We manufacture and distribute long life light bulbs. We make the home ones that are twisted tubes that fit in your regular light fixture, but so does Sylvania and General Electric. We also make a lot of special bulbs for hard to reach and difficult to maintain situations. Our stuff lasts longer and stays brighter than theirs, I am told. We also private label them so if you wanted to sell the Lambert brand of lightbulbs at your Lambert store, we can do that.

I am the IT Manager, heck, I am the entire IT staff. We are a small firm and the equipment is a hodge podge of stuff, old and new, homebuilt and left over, good and; well; not so good. It looks like I will have a lot to do. The network seems to run pretty well but is poorly organized and a crash or a virus could make a mess of this place real fast. I got grief from the head of the sales department because I wanted to have him change his password. I was able to get logged on to the main server and change things on it within two hours of walking in the door. Not too secure as I spent the first 45 minutes walking around and meeting people. It looks like I have plenty to do.

I was given the job of negotiating a new phone and internet contract, as the other ones expired a month ago. No time to shop like I would prefer because we are being charged the no-contract price this month which is twice what I could get it for. Trial by fire. But that is why they need an IT professional. In the two days I have been there I solved a number of little problems for the workers, they think I am great. I told them the difference is that I can read the book.

I start at 7:30 AM and it takes 45-50 minutes to get there, what with the construction, and a full hour to get home. I am still teaching two nights a week and staying sharp in front of a class till 11:00 PM tomorrow night will be a challenge. Friday night is only till 9:45 so that will not be so bad. But Valerie has us going to one of the elders for dinner on Thursday so I guess I will be sleeping late on Saturday.

Well, I have to get to my class prep for Wednesday and Friday. I will be busy Thursday and Friday I am being observed by the department head. Fun!


Blogger Joanne said...

Glad someone appreciates who and what you are! I guess the lights went on when YOU walked into that place!:)

7:13 PM  
Blogger John said...

now that you know about bulbs, mebe u can tell me the odds of this... Josh was up on the counter changing the kitchen bulbs when everyone was over for dinner one night. Well I toss him a flood- light and since he was on a stool he didn't want to reach for my short toss. Ok it fell and broke cause I had already turned around and could not see to catch it... now what are the chances of that blub falling and breaking the other new flood lightbulb that was sitting on the island in the middle of the room? aparently 100%. since bugs are attracted to lights are lights attracted to other lights also? Well at any rate the troops found it highly amusing.
kudo's on the new job. Don't tell them your secret... RTFM. Just let them think "only you can solve their problems" and they will think they can never get along w/out you.

8:45 PM  

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