Friday, August 12, 2005

Blogger Jennell posts at 9:31 PM CST

This one is for Grandma!

This one is for Grandma!
Originally uploaded by pkypnts.

Grandma was worried about the bathrooms here. Tell her to relax. This is the one in the mall and it has its own stall with a door and there was a seperate bathroom for men and women (just like we are used to). Also, on the other side of the room there is a regular toilet.

There are more pictures of the house and descriptions at


Blogger Valerie said...

Hey There Jennell,

Just caught up on all your blog postings and looked at all the pictures available.

WoW! What a lot of fun this adventure could be for you!

I am a new person to you, because of that it may not mean as much coming from someone you don’t know well… but let me say I am very impressed! No, really! I am very impressed! Having reared two daughters and knowing the way of women over the years, it is the uncommon woman who can take this dive and do this kind of thing. Unfortunately most women are fearful to do anything without a partner and miss out on a lot. I think it says a lot about how you have developed in your years on your own while others live through others or waiting on another. Good for you! Obviously you are not a stranger to responsibility either when you considered taking a teenager with you! Should be a blast for the both of you and what a bond that is being forged! He is really going to remember this and appreciate it even more when he is older.

I don’t think your postings are boring at all. I hope you are able to continue when you start working.

My oldest daughter Marlana, the one who is single and 26 yrs. old, is looking into doing something similar to this. She is a court reporter. She recently has become very dissatisfied with what she does everyday and feels she wants more to her life than obtaining things and more things. (She’s bought her own house at 24.) Her daily life simply does not have enough purpose. So, she is on the hunt for what it is that the Lord wants her to do with her life. (Which is not unusually for her. Even though she was very popular in high school she was known as ‘missionary girl’ and her editorials in the newspaper were very out spoken regarding her faith and moral standards even in a public high school.) So…having been side tracked for a while, she is back on this track and searching for what she is to do.

I am going to have her read your blog for inspiration. J

I will be looking forward to reading more and will be offering prayers for you and J.

Forever Grateful, Valerie

8:56 PM  

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