Household Goods - So happy to see them!!!
Today our stuff arrives! We are SO excited!!! Real furniture, rather than the fake, borrowed stuff! Yeah!!! The movers arrived at about 08:30 and immediately started unpacking the crates into the driveway. I started to get a little freaked out about how much stuff I had, but as they started bringing it into the house, I realized it’ll all fit. They handed me a clipboard and told me to stand by the front door. I checked off the number of the box they brought in and told them which room to take it to. I have LOTS of books! By about noon they had the crates unpacked and everything in the proper rooms. We all had lunch and then they started putting things together and unpacking all of the boxes. They don’t put anything away but we have to have them take the boxes away because we can’t throw stuff like that away. Now the fun of putting everything away begins!
LOL! As I looked at that I realized that my tenses were all mixed up. That happened because I wrote it throughout the day whenever I got a break. :)
You are aware, aren't you, that moving is one of the top stressors in life? Even over the death of a loved one, sometimes. Glad you're taking it in stride, mostly. This was sure a big move, too.
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