Saturday, October 29, 2005

Blogger John posts at 8:24 PM CST

No Phone No Lights No Motorcar Not a single luxurie...

Joohn unt Jeemn are be habin Power agin. Hooray.

weez Back munxt de libin mon. say ja.

Hello all It' sure good to be able to post to you all again. we had a tough go of it during Wilma. As I heard said "it was a hell af a ride."
Thinking we were in for just a cat 1, Jean did not put up the boards. Well for the first half that was ok. The eye came and we had 2min of sunshine.Then part two kicked in rather quickly and it huffed and it puffed and the sliders in the computer rm started to bend. I put my pocket knife in the space above the door as that would stop them from being lifted up and pushed in, (which is how you remove them). well as I'm looking out at the storm bending trees and blowing waves across the lake, I see the Lincoln which is long ways infront of the doors rocking like its doing a hundred, Now the sliding doors are bending and bowing in the middle. I start to lean and pust back a bit. The storn intence i flys to where it was before and then a stronger gust and another, stronger and stronger well I am now leaning on the middle where the two sliders meet and it is pushing harder so I pull the chair over and push it to the waterbed and put my foot on it and it gets stornger so I put both feet up on the chair and my back on the door post pushing my legs out almost straight. Jean comes along an just looks at me with no particular surprise. I say get me a board I cant keep this up forever. So she found the perfect lenth board to replace me wedged betwix the waterbed and the door. Well that left me to look out the window and see a fun island water trampoline blowing out from the trailer park way and comming tward us but the wind is still getting stronger and I notice the window is now bow ing in so I start to lean on it and it gets stronger so I put my back onto the window glass and it's getting gustyer yet and I hear tiles moving across the roof. Well about this time I pray for some help and could I have some help to hold the other windows in the other rooms from popping in. I yell for Jean to get me a flat board and that piece of PVC pipe from the garage which I put the board on the glass flat with pvc wedged to hold up there and again incorparate the chair and waterbed on the other end. Well with most of my energy used I was able to free my hands so as to be able to bite my nails till the wind slowly changed around too comming more from the north and then I started to breath again.
Later I broke out my new chain saw I ordered 3 weeks ago and cut a six inch tree branch that was blocking the road. Jean went to work that night. And the beat goes on.


Blogger Bill said...

Mon, dat sounds like a natty tale. I like getten ta Florida when it ain't blowin so much. Maybe I will make it dere in Dec at Christmas time. Dat 'cane stuff sounds too scary for me.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

What a story! Fun to read

3:15 PM  

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