Hmmmm....I can't see....
Will the keeper of the blog please change the colors? I can't read the blog because of the darkness, and Gram L can't read it either. Something more contrasting and not reverse would be good. Thanks for indulging me on this Blog-Keeper.
Also, when you read Gram L's blogging, you'll have to look up a word. I asked her what it meant and she would not tell me - just told me to get the dictionary. But my paperback one doesn't have it. If someone can research it, I'd like to know the answer!
Also, when you read Gram L's blogging, you'll have to look up a word. I asked her what it meant and she would not tell me - just told me to get the dictionary. But my paperback one doesn't have it. If someone can research it, I'd like to know the answer!
I thought a change might be appreciated, but Valerie also tells me I have to change, so....
I like the change. I recently asked Jennell not to use camaflouge background also.
who wrote this? It dosn't say. Also why can't I change a post after I post it like I have done in the past?
Thank you, Blog-Keeper! I love it
...and that is "BlogMaster"
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