Monday, November 07, 2005

Blogger Jennell posts at 3:36 AM CST

How is Grandma? Where is Jay?

I haven't heard lately how Grandma is doing. How is the hearing? How is she feeling?

Then there is the cousin who said he was going hiking in Okinawa for a few days. He promised to post and I've been waiting since September 30th for the promised information. JJJJJJJAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Did you get lost out there? I know some Navy people who could come look for you if you need help! :)

Any info would be appreciated.


Blogger Bill said...

Yup, those Navy people often have to dig the Marines out of a mess.

6:44 AM  
Blogger Carolyn said...

well, I know Jay is among the living, because he woke me up to talk on the phone this morning at 6 am. Great to hear his voice. He hopefully will post his pictures of the 230th Marine Birthday Ball, with him all duded up in his dress blues.

Grandma is MUCH better this past week. Her hearing is much improved with the steroids, but there are no guarantees that the same thing won't happen again. She has been back at her own home, although her telephone is not yet fully operational. She can call out, but the phone doesn't ring. Consequently, it's hard to check on her during the day. But she has been feeling good for the past week, and glad to be in her own home which did not sustain any hurricane damage. That was pretty much a miracle - the rest of the park is blown to bits. Styrofoam is everywhere, and most carports and awnings are gone. Grandma is grateful to God for sparing her place and for restoring her hearing.

7:11 AM  
Blogger Valerie said...

Glad to see you got Jay to post Jennel. Now if we could only see some of his pictures! Your postings are great! The desk story was very visual! Could just see all these guys running around! Must be some desk! Bet after all this comotion, (that is a Lambert word I've have started using), you stay awhile! ?

1:38 PM  
Blogger Jennell said...

Glad Grandma is doing better..thanks for the info!

9:35 PM  

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