What a Birthday!!!
Boy, did I have a BLESSED birthday! But then ... you knew that, didn't you? It started on Monday, when someone at work took me out to lunch, then proceeded to tell everyone else that it was my birthday. The cards and wishes started flowing in. There was singing on my voicemail, visits from co-workers bearing gifts and singing in the lobby, flowers delivered by Fed Ex, presents from my wonderful hubby, more lunch and a card from the whole office. Then after work, I did as I was told and showed up at the Cheesecake Factory in Palm Beach Gardens. The WHOLE FAM DAMILY was there! After we sat down, a stranger came and joined us -- JAY!!! He gets the prize for coming the farthest. What a surprise, I was blown away. Apparently, Grandma was in on the secret, too. More gifts and - in case anyone was wondering - I had an absolutely fantastic evening. I thought it was great fun. What a great family we have. I love it that everybody loves each other so much and that it doesn't matter what warts or personality quirks we have. Of course, I don't have any oddities, but I do have words of wisdom on the anniversary of my birth. Don't ever let this family drift apart. It's a loving, precious bunch of people. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
So how old are ye?
Of course lots of peeps wanted to wish you a happy birtday. Lots of peeps love you and think you are GREAT!!
Enjoy the visit from Jay. He told us online the other day.
Congrats! I knew Jay was going to visit in January, but didn't realize that his first appearance was going to be at your birthday party! How fun!
bunch of lying snakes...
And I'm older than you. You know full well how old I am, Dudley.
Hey, hey, hey! There was no lying involved! You never asked me if Jay was coming to visit you!
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