Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin, I understand that you are a proponent of only abstinence based sex education. How is that working out for you?
I am all for teen-aged children not having sex. But some of them do. Especially ones whose father is off working the oil fields and whose mother is very busy running a large state with a small population.
And how about abstinence for women over 43? Or other forms of birth control? Do you know there is a 1 in 100 chance of having a child with down's syndrome for women at age 40, and a 1 in 30 chance for women at age 45 (link here). I am not opposed to people with down's syndrome, they are loving people and can near normal lives but they have many additional health risks including heart defects, intestinal defects, vision problems, hearing problems, thyroid problems, frequent infections, leukemia, and seizures. Modern science has helped these people and they now have an average life expectancy of 55. But why would you want to take a chance on thing such as this?
Please note that I am not saying anything about Mrs. Palin's children, these are the choices of their mother, not theirs, that I am discussing.
Is it possible that John McCain did what he is known to do often? Make a sudden and emotional choice without looking at all the details?
She knew about the downs before birth. maybe she should of talked to obama so he coould of explaind how he thinks partial birth abortions ore ok. Yea they could could spend three days streching out her uteris, then turn the kid around and pull it out breached and before the head is out take sissors and stick them in the neck up to the brain and kill it so everyone can have nice lives and not worry about heart attacks. or heck he even belives that if the abortion is botched and the child survives it should still be snuffed. But he will leave that to a higher paygrade? Like maybe God? who said Thou shall not kill. He didn't mean mothers shouldnt kill their babys, did he?
No one here is suggesting a partial birth abortion, or any abortion at all. You are not reading what I have said. I am suggesting restraint or the prevention of pregnancy for women of a certain age. I know I did my part.
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