Thursday, October 09, 2008

Blogger John posts at 6:46 PM CST

Color me intolerant

Like Gag me with a spoon, I just saw a bite on TV, like the Gay people are tired of the new saying...."like that is so gay. Isn't that the gayest thing you ever heard of?
WE should all just stop using the gay in vain. What? Do they not say 100 times a day, "Oh MY God?" Let them use the Lords name in vain but hold me to be politicaly corect about sexual perverts? I used to be happy and gay but I can't be anymore cause now that makes me a sexual pervert. So what say we call a spade a spade. Or should we be tolerant cause it's not their falt,God made a mistake and made them that way. Even tho God calls it an abomination. He made them that? NOT.. Oh my gay'ds, They are wrong out loud. But what would you do about it? What would I do about it? Will we stand up for our Lord and maker? Or will we let them make laws to shut up our mouths and call it hate speech? LIKE HAS ALREADY HAPPENED IN COLORADO. thats right it is now ileagal to sell the bible in Colorado. It's a hate crime to sell the bible! Meanwhile they spit our Lords name out of their dirty mouths daily and it goes unmentioned. At work when someone says Oh my god or Jesus, I shout "Where? Oh I thought he came back". Other times I say "BLASPHIMY" or "thats no reason for blasphimy."


Blogger Carolyn said...

I'm with you, bro. Today I was at Duffy's (I went there with Joe to watch the Bears game). A NY guy was watching his team, and was frustrated. He says, "O my God! O my f---ing God!". I mustered up the dirtiest look I could as I walked past him. He said, "sorry..."

9:16 PM  
Blogger Bill said...

Valerie had to say something to the vendor next to us Sunday. He and his wife were working the market and they had a disagreement. When he dropped the f-bomb several times on her Val got in his face and said: "She may let you talk to her that way but you will not use that language around here. It may be okay in your place but it is bad for my business." He mumbled something and watched his mouth the rest of the day.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Bill said...

John, you may think it is illegal to sell Bibles in Colorado but those sales are still going on. The only referance I could find to that is on a couple of ranting conservative blogs. Maybe they are the ones that interpret the law that way but that is not what it says. They are suing to void the law and are using this as a rallying point. Conservative scare tactics. Raving loonies.

It may be a bit of a goofy law but it does not mention the Bible or limits on any tract or book. Here is a link to the law, read it yourself -->

11:25 AM  
Blogger Bill said...

On further examination I did find a clause that prohibits "is intended or calculated to discriminate or actually discriminates against any disability, race, creed, color, RELIGION, sex, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, marital status, national origin, or ancestry or against any of the members thereof in the matter of furnishing or neglecting or refusing to furnish to them or any one of them any lodging, housing, schooling, or tuition or any accommodation, right,
privilege, advantage, or convenience offered to or enjoyed by the general public or which states that any of the accommodations, rights, privileges, advantages, or conveniences of any such place of public accommodation, resort, or amusement shall or will be refused, withheld from, or denied to any person or class of persons on account of disability, race, creed, color, RELIGION, sex, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, marital status, national origin, or
ancestry or that the patronage, custom, presence, frequenting, dwelling, staying, or lodging at such place by any person or class of persons belonging to or purporting to be of any particular disability, race, creed, color, RELIGION, sex, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, marital status, national origin, or ancestry is unwelcome or objectionable or not acceptable,
desired, or solicited."

So, unless your Bible forbids sinners from doing thing like getting housing, I do not see a problem. The Bible I read tells us to love and care for even the least of God's people.

You may hate the sin, but love the sinner.

11:33 AM  

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