Barack Obama, the traitor
Okay, let's say you are right, John. Mr. Obama has been lying to the country about believing in Christ and dedicating this life to God's people. He has been lying to his wife and daughters about what they really believe. He hates America, will not wear a flag pin, not put his hand over his heart during the singing of the national anthem because he hates American and all Americans. He really is a closet Moslem, he hopes to become president so he can send us all to hell and bring on an Islamic state on these shores.
Tell me how he could do this. What would Congress do? What would you do? What do you think I would do? Would he try and sneak it past us so we do not notice? Or do you think the good people of this country would prevent it? What would be his plan to pull this off and get away with it? Maybe he would ban the national anthem? Maybe he would require the burning of the flag? Maybe all the time he has spent trying to improve the lot of Americans was a ruse to get himself elected so he could present us to Iran on a platter? I would love to hear from someone who promotes these things thinks they would work. Are they the only ones who love our country? Would the rest of us just go play with our Wii?
Tell me how he could do this. What would Congress do? What would you do? What do you think I would do? Would he try and sneak it past us so we do not notice? Or do you think the good people of this country would prevent it? What would be his plan to pull this off and get away with it? Maybe he would ban the national anthem? Maybe he would require the burning of the flag? Maybe all the time he has spent trying to improve the lot of Americans was a ruse to get himself elected so he could present us to Iran on a platter? I would love to hear from someone who promotes these things thinks they would work. Are they the only ones who love our country? Would the rest of us just go play with our Wii?
What has anyone done till now? People all say they don't care as long as they will make more money. All I hear is people think the govt is the answer to health and fianiacl woes. The govt has no busness in either.Look at englands free health care you can rot waiting for an opperation. why does virgina governer tell vollenteer govt pastors this week, they cannot pray in the name of Jesus? Why do they want to take under God out of the pledg and off money. Why do they want one world with one world religion? (And it's not christianity) Why has england just one week ago adopted shiriek law for it's Muslum citizens. Why is the 150 nation, Muslim coalition pressing the U>N> to adopt shirik law? A law that states if you leave muslim you can be legaly killed (boy is england in for a surprise). Whithstandiing this law, why are they not calling for the death of your belooved pres elect for leaving muslim? Instead they support him. kadifi even says he is just telling political lies to get votes! Which is another law of muslms, That you can lie to your enimines and get the upper hand then overtake them. Why is that guy in africa (Omar?)who just took over stating as a us senator B.O. came and meet him in the slums there and showed his support and they are cousins and feels like a brother.Then goes on rampage to take over country and churches are burned (no moskes) and christians killed and he claims leadership of the country now.What has anyone had to say? they don't even get coverage here.Why is it when we hear today that mexico is going to lift laws against drugs in small amts for personal use herion included, and they always have some british acent tell us this kind of stuff?What happend to tax reform we heard about.Flat tax is flatlined. why is B>O second in $ amts for frannie monies (whatever those are)And why are special interests groups alowed to give senators any monie at all? shuldn't that be illeagal? what has ANYONE done about it yet, NOTHING it has become acceptable for some reason. Just like killing babys why did we never vote on that? Why does B.O applaud california new gay marriage law when his god says it is an abomination to him.? And after they voted against it by over 50 some % against it this century. This country is not in trouble cause polititions didn't make enough laws to cover all problems that might befall us, it is in trouble cause God is getting fed up with mans arrogance and total disobediance and he islifting the hedge from around us.I don't fear cause od says he puts kings in power and removes them as he sees fit.
2 you said "Maybe all the time he has spent trying to improve the lot of Americans " I do not know any law he has introduced or plan he has drafted in the whol 142 days he was sen before running for pres.
Have you spoken lately to people in England about the health care system there. I know that when they first introduced a health care system there there were problems, but my understanding is that things are much better now. I don't get the chance to speak with people there much, but the ones I have spoken to like the system now. In the pubs in Ireland you can no longer smoke in the bars. Why, because the government is now the insurance carrier. They know it is better to keep people healthy than it is to cure them; and cheaper too. The system in Europe is changing from one of after the fact intervention to one of prevention. Why? It makes sense. Here we wait till people are ailing then the doctors "fix" you. The function of a government is to do the best for people and to do what they want. If we all agree that everyone should have a brown dog, then it would be okay for the government to do that.
I notice that you spend a lot of time knocking down the Senator Obama but have little to say about Senator MCain. What would your father say about knocking down others, that it does not build up anything? What of his programs? He proudly has claimed in the past that he has supported Bush 90% of the time. How have those decisions been working out for us? The "hands off" method of dealing with banks has cost us all dearly. The looking the other way instead of enforcing the laws of the country are ruining us, then his banker friends told us that the country would be ruined if we do not give them 700 BILLION dollars; and they may be right.
Should special interest groups be allowed to give money to politicians? Should unions attempt to get people elected that support unions? Should Christian groups be allowed to support Christian politicians? Should the VFW be allowed to support people who support the war effort? Should veterans groups be allowed to support politicians like Senator Obama or Senator McCain that wish to aid them when they return from their service? If you believe so you had better work to change the Bill of Rights.
The First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (emphasis mine) The right to work with your politician is in the same paragraph that prevents laws that either force or disallow a certain way of practicing religion.
My mention of the time Barack Obama spent working to help his fellow Americans was relating to his being a community organizer, a pursuit your called that of a gangster.
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