Every year we hear about March Madness!
Just why does March get this distinktion? Other than the "beware the ides of March" I have no disrespect for the month that comes in like a lion and goes out on the lamb! But where is the madness? Unless it comes from cabin fever after being couped up all winter in the frozen northland, I just can't figgure it out. One could be gone mad all year from what I've seen. Well, I am forced to file this one under things that make you go Hmmm.
Just why does March get this distinktion? Other than the "beware the ides of March" I have no disrespect for the month that comes in like a lion and goes out on the lamb! But where is the madness? Unless it comes from cabin fever after being couped up all winter in the frozen northland, I just can't figgure it out. One could be gone mad all year from what I've seen. Well, I am forced to file this one under things that make you go Hmmm.
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