Stadium Club
As I got older I could afford better seats. My brother lived for a while about a half mile from the park so we could walk to the games. I went to many of them, we would have a few brews at his house and march over to buy tickets and see a game. You could always get pretty good seats. I found that if you told them you were alergic to cigarette smoke you could get seats in the "Wives Section" behind home plate. You just had to put up with snotty, good looking baseball wives and their unrully kids. I loved it.
We went to a Yankees game and sat in right field behind Reggie Jackson and heckled him all night and hurled insults at the New York fans seated near us. When He hit a home run that sailed over our heads to win the game he stopped at second base and pointed at us. I loved it.
When the new park was being built I brought my sons to the game. We would make an evening or a Saturday of it. Sometimes touring the city before, sometimes going to Mario's for Italian Ice afterwards. We would cheer the Sox, and have a great time, win or lose. I loved it.
In the new park I stood at the rail with Trace and viewed the old park being torn down. The new park was so much cleaner, the air moved, it had restrooms that you could use, great food, you got to sit so much closer and could see the game so well. Even though I had a tear form to see the old park go, I thought about the new park. I loved it.
When I was the Information Systems Manager for a medium sized firm I got to go to lots of games. The company owned twelve tickets and I would often get some that were not being used. Our seats were in the third row way down the left field side. I could take my sons for a fun evening and see the game up close. I loved it.
I also would be given tickets from vendors. Perks, you know, that were often very good seats. I got to sit in the corporate boxes where there was free food and drink. We could view the game from the seats outside, watch thru the window or see it on the TV in the suite. I loved it.
Friday night I got to sit in the Stadium club for the first time, thanks to Marlana. They have a five station buffett with food styles from around the world. Roast beef, lamb, ham, fish, buffalo, salads and cheeses of many styles and great flavors. We had a bottle of Ravenswood Zinfandel, the red stuff not the sissy white. There was so much food that I tried to take just a small portion of each so I could taste it all but that was impossible. There were too many things and some of them were so good you had to take more. We sat there for the first half of the game. We saw a couple of Sox runs hit to right field near us. I loved it.
This is what the Statdium Club looks like from our seats. It is in the corner of right fieldbetween the first base side and right field. The view from there to the field is great. I loved it.
Here is what it looked like from our seats. I took two pictures; one with flash and one without so you could see the resturant and the field. I loved it.
Life sure is different up here than it was from the cheap seats as a kid. I loved it.
Here are the happy eaters, all full up from too much food. I love her.