Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blogger Bill posts at 12:37 PM CST

Florida Primary

John, maybe I can clear up a few things for you. Primaries are a way for the members of a party to decide which candidate they wish to represent them in the General Election. The rules for each state are different and the party for that state can make different rules. Many states have a "Beauty Contest" that list the candidates names that a voter would prefer to be on the ballot in November. But the thing that counts more is to elect delegates to the national party convention, which is held in the summer. It is at that convention that the nominees for that party are selected as well as the "party planks" that represent the parts of the party's "platform" or program they wish to support. The rules that each of the two major political parties use differ, they get to write their own rules, parties are just affiliations of people who hold somewhat the same ideas, they are not creations of the federal government. Most states allow you to declare yourself a member of that party by voting in that party's primary, you can get a card from them if you donate to their party. In Illinois, for example, you are considered a Republican for two years if you vote in a Republican primary, you lose that affiliation the day before the next primary so you are free to vote in whatever party you wish the next time. But you have to tell them which ballot to give you, or "declare" your affiliation. You cannot vote for a party you are not willing to put your name on. It does happen sometimes that a Democrat will vote in a Republican primary to act as a spoiler and vote for a loser to make the Democrat candidate seem stronger in the general election, (or vice versa) but not often.

Each party gets to make their own rules about how they manage their convention. The Democrats, for example, have hundreds of "Super Candidates" that get to attend without being elected in the primary due to their being governors, or senators or the like. The ones we get to send represent us at the convention and are obligated to support the person we sent them there for. In some cases they only have to vote for that person in the first vote, but can be swayed later. It is called "politicking". In some states the conventioneers are sent in a winner take all, in some they are sent in a proportionate way. If 20% vote for Mike Hukabee, then in some states 20% of the conventioneers are obligated to him in others the whole bunch go for one person.

The caucus and primary season has been creeping forward. Iowa starts in December and New Hampshire soon after. Many stated have selected the first Tuesday in February. This means we have an election season that takes up almost an entire year, boring many people and costing millions of dollars. The National Democratic Party decided that they would support this Feb limit. They told states other than Iowa and New Hampshire that they would get to send NO delegates to the national convention if they went earlier. The Florida Democratic Party decided to hold theirs early anyway in violation of those rules. So Florida democrats can have a "beauty contest" if they like but will not be represented at the national. It was a way to try and slow this election season creep. These rules are those of the National Democratic Party, not those of the state, or of the federal government.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blogger John posts at 11:07 PM CST

Boston Tea Party

Well my friends, I may have stepped up to a new level, past Hippie or Sunday school Teacher to Anarchist! See what you think as you read a letter I sent, first to my Cogressman, then to my Senator. Oh yes I feel so strongly about having been trod on my rights I sent a copy to the Whitehouse. So if I am carried off in the night to guantonamo you will understand my reasoning..... oh no I deleated it...arrrgh hummmppph snort oh well it went like this.
dear govt dude,
I am very distrought that I could not vote on Jan 29 2008 in the primary.
I feel that as a citizen, if I do not proclaim my party affiliation I cannot vote. What happened to the secrecy of the ballot? Some say independents may cross vote to the other side. If that is how they want to spend thier vote than that is their choice. I personally like to vote for the person and not the party. Who has the right to negate my vote?
Should I pay my taxes?
Taxation without representation.
Rembember The Tea Party!
Remember this person who's vote did not count.
Remember all the Democrats who's votes did not count because the party did not like the day Florida voted on.
I am a red blooded american who's face is red and who's finger is not blue. Lets tell all the Irac people do not bother to vote, your vote will not count .

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Blogger John posts at 9:31 PM CST


When I was a young lad, I often was lateor missed dinner because it wasn't real important to me.It was however important to my parents and I didn't know why. When we were eating and some friends would stop by my Father would yell through the open dinning room window We're EATING! Now, one could not see out the high window and if they asked how long or if we could come out later he would repeat WE ARE EATING. People could not understand that they were a hinderance to our eating. Now things progressed to If it was'nt your friends but a siblings friends then it was great fun to explain that WE"RE EATING!!! IF someone had been introduced to the family and all knew they were trustworthy then they would be allowed to wait in the parlor. But many found this to be too odd of an experiance and often left " to catch ya later". It was akin to waiting for an appointment I would guess. And of corse they would hear the dinner conversation. This of corse transfered to phone calls . But then the WE"RE EATING was directed to the sibling. My parents knew what we did not, A few moments together away from the world were precious indeed. Why then couldn't the man learn that a bowl of ice cream left, to soften would , and a nicly soft bowl of ice cream that was just melting away had to be gobbled before anyone could stop you.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Blogger John posts at 9:17 PM CST

Evolution as fact

The school bd of Florida wants to bolster saging Sci & Math F-CAT scores so they want to teach Evolution as fact without any opposing views such as creation or sientific creation. For the next three days they have agreed to hear public opinion. Here is my letter to and ...

I understand the school dist wants to teach The Theory of Evolution as fact and not give equal time to other theory's.May I project that since no one was around at the time one and no indisputable evidence exists, one can only have a faith that evolution happened. May I offer a quote from the most popular book of all time,The Bible. Ecclesiastes 11;5...As you do not know the path of the wind,or how the body is formed in a mothers womb,so you cannot understand the work of God, the maker of all things. The bible has been passed down generation to generation protected from change by God himself. Evolution from the 1800's? Still God sticks by his word, how about the author of evolution?Until a final outcome has been concluded please teach my child all theories.I'm sure he can pick the truth. Thank you,John R Lambert