Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blogger Bill posts at 1:45 PM CST

Not there yet

Jennell, I tried to figure out a way for you to be able to get to the blogger site in the us. When I look up the IP for it and try to go to that site I get a general Google site. What is happening is that you are being directed to a mirror site in Japan.

I will keep thinking about a work-around though. Oh, and the orange one is the "publish post" one.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blogger Carolyn posts at 5:13 PM CST

Random thoughts from Carolyn

Thought #1: Jennell, congratulations on posting in Japanese! You were successful.
Thought #2: Did you hear about Dani's father, Giovanni? He passed away on Saturday, and the funeral is on Wednesday. George is presiding. On top of that, Mirella sold the pasta business last week. Pray for her.
Thought #3: Sean raced again this past weekend (in Virginia, where Dani was when she heard the sad news). He did well, again. Spent the weekend on the podium accepting awards. Jay drove up from the base to watch. Good thing he was there - he was able to take Dani to the airport so she could get home to her mom.
Blogger Jennell posts at 6:23 AM CST

Yes, I noticed something different!

I noticed that now that I am back in Japan, all of the buttons in Blogger are in Japanese! I have guessed correctly and gotten this far, but am currently wondering whether to choose the orange button or the blue button to try and post this. I tried changing the language in my web browser under tools, but it already said English, so I dunno what else to do. I thought you all might be amused to know of this issue which I suppose only applies to me...any advice Uncle Bill? That is alway why I didn't comment on Sean's news, even though I was totally impressed...and wondering how incredibly proud his mom was to read the quote in the article that gave me goosebumps. :)

Now to the point...I am grading papers (can't you tell???) and watching the Today Show (at 8:30 pm) and I hear that the Prime Minister of Japan resigned…curious and clueless, I checked out the web (because it was more interesting than the papers) and found Probably since you don't live here you don't care (I do live here and it was only a minor blip on my who-cares radar), but the most interesting statement on the page was something I can't imagine any American politicial (Republican or Democrat) saying and it kind of blew my mind:

"I find myself unable to keep my promises — I myself have become an obstacle to fulfilling those promises."

What do you think about that??!?!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Blogger Carolyn posts at 5:47 PM CST

Sean is a Celebrity

The famous Sean "D-WIRE" Dwyer is written up in an article published in the Road Racing World magazine for his amazing win this past weekend. Go to the website and read the article for yourself at ! Very exciting, and he gives credit where credit is due - to God (and his crew). FUN

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Blogger Bill posts at 8:45 PM CST


Happy Birthday to John
Blogger Bill posts at 12:44 AM CST

Garage Sale

This is Joe and Carolyn opening the garage door at 5:50 AM to prepare for the garage sale.
Blogger Bill posts at 12:26 AM CST

Garage Sale 2

Here is a flash photo of them loading things out in the dark.
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Blogger Bill posts at 12:25 AM CST

Garage Sale 3

This one was taken much later, after the invasion by Haiti. You can tell because all the flat sheets are gone.
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Blogger Bill posts at 12:24 AM CST

Garage Sale 4

This looser tried to steal all he could even though we were offering him very low prices on things.
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Blogger Bill posts at 12:23 AM CST

Garage Sale 5

Lotta stuff for sale. We did not get it all out till after the Haitians and the Mexicans left, they were there at 7:30 AM and did not quit for hours.
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Blogger Bill posts at 12:22 AM CST

Garage Sale 6

Anybody know where I can get a cow creamer and sugar bowl?
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Blogger Bill posts at 12:21 AM CST

Garage Sale 7

Off to the Faith farm with the remainder.
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