Friday, August 29, 2008

Blogger John posts at 2:55 PM CST

Congrats to you Alaskins

Alaska govenor to be vice President.
Great move by John Mcain ! I was hopein for Huckabee but didn't xpect it. She seems energetic. You woman should be happy.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Blogger John posts at 11:56 AM CST

My Past Eliminated !

What is wrong with the city of Chicago? I just googled earth and lookied at Burnham Harbor where I learned to sail a short time ago and it's all been changed. The boathouse with all those sailboats is gone. Grass and a bench stand there now.Oh what a loss. Poor stupid kids will have no hope, no way to reinvent themselvs. Oh yes the yachts are safe from bangs and dings but so what. the yachts are parked differently also. So goes history, time stands still for no-one
Blogger John posts at 10:00 AM CST

Sunburn by Margret Fishback

Blister your sholders blister your knees
Blister yourself anywhere you damm please
Turn yourself into an ash or an ember
But when you've done so I hope you'll remember
I shall not feel that my presence is vitial
No matter where you may stage your recital.

Well, not all poetry is nice.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blogger John posts at 10:49 PM CST

by Odgen Nash 1932

I think I shall never see
a billboard as lovely as a tree
indeed unless the billboards fall
I shall never see a tree at all.
Blogger Bill posts at 6:18 PM CST

Welcome Back, Kotter

I, for one, am glad to see some posting action here again after a long hiatus. John, welcome to the world of blogging, where your every thought is shared. Bring it on. I love to read what is going on in that head of yours. For a while I tried to put on the screen the ravings of my brain, but I found that no-one cared what I thought. What if you had a blog and nobody read it. That was my problem.

But you have a way of saying things that can hold a person's attention. And blogging here is way better than yelling at the TV.

Glad to see you here, Bro.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Blogger John posts at 8:28 PM CST

Go to the Ant you sluggard

How come you lazy peeps haven't posted much for me to read since spring?
Now, now that I can I will. Yes those who finish thier email and come by to see any new posts. There willabee new blogs now and here 2-4. Just as a thought pops into my head, POW, online it will flow. So inpoint and 4-2-with.......let it be known. Az-2- wit...
The Bible is not just for information. It's for Transformation.
There I've said it. Those of you who have become slow may re-read the last line.
The Bible is not just for information. Its for Transformation.
This is a nessisary to get into heaven.
You cannot go to heaven and Then become a Christ follower as some, who have been lied to, have thought. You must transform now. with a concious effort.
Start your self in your car or an empty room and shout real loud "Jesus Christ is King" If you shout loud enough, this may scare you, if not it will scare any near-by demons. Then remember to pray every day for 30 days. Pray every day. Then say "Jesus Christ is King" out loud. If you don't say it, Jesus said, even the rocks will cry out his name. So say it.
I want to be better than any rock.
(time is running ..
Blogger John posts at 7:09 PM CST


After countless times clicking and waiting forever for this page to ignite, I gave up and now have lighting fast DSL. look how fast I can type now. No one is better than me now. Why I usta could'nt even get comments to download. ever since that little episode about fl not getting any vote. Next thing I was ostrige sized. But now Flames of fire roar from my fingertips,@#$%%*&^)(_+?....See.....Yeah, SEE.