Hey...do any of you LamPolDwy people still exist? No one has posted anything for ages! I am tired of checking and seeing my old post at the top, so let's take attendance! What are you doing? How are you? Anything interesting, difficult, dull, happy, sad, or whatever going on?
How come when I load the page, the only contributors listed are me and the Xavier? He doesn't post much since his wings and webbed feet make typing difficult.
I'll start:
All is well in Japan. It has been much warmer here this winter. I have been crazy busy since Christmas...well actually summer...getting ready for our NCA Accreditation visit. It went REALLY well and the augmenters were very complimentary. One of them is a principal at Lester Middle School in Okinawa and said that if any of the three co-chairs ever wanted a job at his school, he would take us in a heartbeat. He also used to work at our school and said that the atmosphere that we had created and the ownership he felt teachers taking in the process was amazing considering the animosity people used to feel toward the whole idea. We were tickled pink! :) Our bosses were also very pleased! Thank goodness it's over.
I was sent to math training this week up at Yokota Air Force Base. It was actually fun because we got to stay in their lodge and shop at their BX/PX. Sub plans were a pain, but the training was pretty good.
This weekend I ended up with last minute rooms at the New Sanno, and I am about to head out with friends to see the plum trees blossoming. Will post more later!
Tag...your it! Post away...