How come you lazy peeps haven't posted much for me to read since spring?
Now, now that I can I will. Yes those who finish thier email and come by to see any new posts. There willabee new blogs now and here 2-4. Just as a thought pops into my head, POW, online it will flow. So inpoint and 4-2-with.......let it be known. Az-2- wit...
The Bible is not just for information. It's for Transformation.
There I've said it. Those of you who have become slow may re-read the last line.
The Bible is not just for information. Its for Transformation.
This is a nessisary to get into heaven.
You cannot go to heaven and Then become a Christ follower as some, who have been lied to, have thought. You must transform now. with a concious effort.
Start your self in your car or an empty room and shout real loud "Jesus Christ is King" If you shout loud enough, this may scare you, if not it will scare any near-by demons. Then remember to pray every day for 30 days. Pray every day. Then say "Jesus Christ is King" out loud. If you don't say it, Jesus said, even the rocks will cry out his name. So say it.
I want to be better than any rock.
(time is running ..